Monday, September 15, 2008


Cycling requires fuel and we were getting low when we reached Kinross.


Paul said...

You will make sure you leave at least one tea room in Scotland with some supplies won't you????

Paul & Chris

Rob Ainsley said...

Are you heading for New Scone? In which case you'll have to have a scone there.

paul.wedgwood said...

And don't forget to have a "Killiecrankie" in Killiecrankie (that's Highland rhyming slang, by the way!)

Rob Ainsley said...

I met the Krankies in Blackpool in 1979. Somewhere there's a photo of me having a pint with Jeanette (who is in civvies, not dressed disturbingly as a schoolboy).

paul.wedgwood said...

If it was as long ago as 1979 then surely it should have been you dressed as the school boy, Rob!

What were you doing drinking a pint at such a tender age? Shocking - led astray by those good-for-nothing Krankies and their pantomiming / Crackerjack-ing ways!

Whatever next? - snorting cocaine at cub scouts with the Chuckle Brothers?