Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 13 - Saying goodbye

All things must come to an end and this morning the remaining 3 cyclists had to split up for the first time since Lands End. We rode 5 final miles together from Stromness to the haunting standing stones of Stenness, and at 8am in a fierce wind under leaden skies, we shared out the last of the rubbish American chocolate I had been carrying the whole way and said our goodbyes. Riding away from Alexis and Rich to get my earlier flight from Kirkwall felt lonely and sad. I left them to explore Orkney for a few hours and put my mind to the battle ahead with a wind that was doing all it could to keep me there, too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on an epic trip! We were delighted to have played a small part in it. I'm going to miss this blog, but I'm looking forward to part two later in the year!
Well done to you!