A quick thank you to Rob and Gavin for volunteering to cycle with me from Moffat to Edinburgh as I attempt to complete my end to end in September. There's a slim possibility that Paul may join us from Moffat to Edinburgh?!? We'll see. I'll sponsor him if he does!
My knee problem has flared up again since diving at the weekend but I now have a clear indication of that the problem is :-) and can therefore tackle it. It's basically an over use injury related to too much of one activity - cycling. Essentially the cycling muscles are much better developed than some of the other leg muscles which is putting the knee slightly out of alignment and causing the pain behind the knee cap. So lots of stretching for me to loosen the offending cycling muscle and exercises to strengthen the inside of leg. Hopefully everything will be in order for September.
Above is a picture of St Michael's mount in Cornwall which we passed on our first day of the trip. It didn't make it on to the blog that day but view was lovely and it's worth posting now that I have rediscovered it.
Any more volunteers for Penrith or Moffat to Edinburgh on 13th September? :-) There's an opportunity to stay in the world's narrowest hotel for the evening! Drop me a line!
Excellent that Gav's coming too!
With me in the party I can guarantee there's little chance of your knee being overused.
See you Wednesday lunch!
Have you tried green lipped mussel cream? Sounds vile and it smells a bit funny, but it did wonders for my knees when I knackered them running down a hill (I use the term loosely) in west London (not nearly as impressive as cycling from Land's End to Penrith).
Green lipped mussel cream is also delicious as a topping on a bowl of clam chowder!! Or something. This all seems a bit surreal. But I Googled it and yes, it is claimed to be good for joint pains - so fair enough.
I'm just delighted to have seen my name and the word 'slim' in close proximity in the same sentence. Thanks Simon! Who knows, if I committed to some serious training it might come true... Dream on.
Sounds interesting :-) I've not heard of that one before . . . I'm back on Glucosamine for the joint but it's a long term supplement.
I went to see a sports injury specialist today and he diagnosed a very tight Iliotibial Band! The ITB is the big fibrous strap of tissue that runs all the way down the outside of the thigh. I have some stretching to do on the ITB and it should improve. It's also recommended that I balance my activities to maintain good core stability in my legs so a little running (not too much) and swimming will become regulars.
If all that fails, green lipped mussel cream will be next!
Paul, if you start from Moffat then the first 5 miles are uphill but the next 20 are down hill and I'll pledge £20 to cancer research (and buy you a pint!). If I get a few more sponsors for you you'll find it hard to refuse! Shall I set up a just giving page for you? ;-) (Paul's Moffat to Edinburgh cycle challenge!)
But seriously, it'd be great if you are able to cycle out to greet us with Sue . . . she'll have the car so will plan to leave it at your house later in the day and do exactly that.
Now, Cath, do you cycle? . . .
I cycle the 7 miles to work about once a year (and only if the weather's nice), but I am busy training for the Great North Run at the moment with Paul's wife (my sister). I will be happy to sponsor Paul, though, for the Moffat to Edinburgh Cycle Challenge.
I've booked my trains! So, as Max Mosley says in his bondage sessions, I can't get out of this now.
I arrive Penrith at 10.16am on Sat 13 Sep, and leave Edinburgh at 11.15pm on Sun 14 Sep.
Better start beer training!
I dare say Max may also have said 'Oh the pain! Oh the pain!', which is similar to what I was thinking when I drove Moffat to Edinburgh last week (on the way home from Hathersage) - I imagined the interminable grind of cycling up that very very long climb out of Moffat.
Mind you, whizzing down the other side looks a lot of fun and lasts a very long time, and then its fairly steady thereafter, pretty much all the way to Edinburgh. The only other problem is that there are no pubs, cafes, tearooms or even wee shops for many many miles along that road, which is a shame. The scenery is lovely, though, and the re's not much traffic on that road.
Anyway, toget to the point: I've decided that I'm up for it. Went for my first training ride on Sunday (20 miles) and survived to tell the tale, with no need for green lipped mussel cream at all. Need to do some serious hill training now - otherwise there will need to be full respirator / defibrilator about two miles after Moffat!
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