Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Well Done!

Well, done to Mark, Lex and Rich for achieving their goal and reaching John O'Groats yesterday. I wish I could have been there too!

With a few last minute off-line contributions then I do believe that we will have hit our £5000 target for Cancer Research UK. Well done and thank you to everybody that has given so generously.

I'd like to thank all that have assisted us in the endeavour; Dave at Carradice - the luggage performed perfectly, Mark at MP cycles for assistance with my bike, everybody that was kind enough to offer accommodation and put up with four stinky and dirty cyclists arriving late, eating everything in their path, going to bed early and attempting to leave early.

I'm sure the team will wish to add a few personal thanks themselves.

The trip's not over yet . . . hopefully there will be pictures today of the Old Man of Hoy and stories of the Stromness Whisky Bar. And I still have to complete my trip and plan to do this commencing September 13th from where I was forced to retire injured in Penrith. There will be a different and interesting route to follow taking in Peebles, Edinburgh, Glen Shea and the East Coast of Scotland. Apparently there's a special message in the John O Groat's visitor book for me :-) I look forward to reading it!



paul.wedgwood said...

Going to miss this Blog - it has been great fun 'living' the adventure, stage by stage, from the comfort of my office chair!

How's the knee, Simon?

Cath said...

Me too! How am I going to relieve the monotony of my day now? Will just have to wait until Simon sets off in September. Good luck to you. Hope the knee holds out.

Rob Ainsley said...

Well done all!

Given the success of this blog, I think Mark, Si, Alexis et al should start a sort of communal trip blog, to which we can all post pics from whatever trip we're on at the time.

Otherwise, as Cath said, we'll be reduced to finding some work to do in the office.

Mark, Si, there's something nice in the post to each of you...

Congratulations on a brilliant trip, and on raising five k for something that's affected us all.


Simon said...

A copy of Rob's 50 quirky bike rides book as just dropped on my door mat. Thanks Rob.

It's taken years for Rob to reasearch and is recommended reading for those of you that like quirky and slightly daft cycling adventures. There's the UK's highest road, steepest hill, longest tunnel, lots of ferry crossing opportunities :-), the UK's longest ford . . . check out www.bizarrebiking.com for full details. Sorry FREE plug over but it is really very good :-) Well done Rob!

I'll be looking for day ride volunteers for my September mission to complete the End to End. Or anybody that's willing to go full distance!

The knee's improving and I hope to ride this coming weekend (gently).


Rob Ainsley said...

I'm up for September. Anyway, there's the sequel, '50 Quirky Bike Rides in Scotland', to start researching.

When they do the feature film version of the book, who should get to play us?

Mark Wedgwood: Tim Vincent
Rob Ainsley: Rowan Atkinson

obviously... but who should play Si? Sue, any ideas?

Sue said...

Who to play Si? Obviously Sean Bean. I mean, the smiliaries are endless - they are both from Yorkshire... Sean Bean is rugged and hansome and I bet he looks fantastic on a bike and Si is well... erm... well, anyway, they're both from Yorkshire so Sean Bean it is!

Simon said...

Thanks honey :-)

paul.wedgwood said...

Shouldn't that be Mr Bean (rather than Sean Bean)?
[Hmm... Could get confusing if Rob is already lining up Rowan Atkinson.]

Unknown said...

I nominate Johnny Vegas to play Simon ;o)