Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We made it! The ride back to Thurso seemed very quick and we met Carol for a farewell bowl of soup at a cool surfer cafe by the waterfront. We were escorted there by a group of kids on bikes and skateboards who were very polite, helpful and impressed by our endeavours. We told them about the people currently en route to Lands End who had signed the book at JOG: one doing it on a skateboard and another hitting a golf ball all the way! The ferry Hamnavoe from Scrabster to Stromness was easily the nicest car ferry I ever saw. It was modern, quiet, spotless and the staff were friendly. We ate on board: Rich and I enjoyed Orkney lamb shanks for less than seven quid! The crossing took us right past the amazing Old Man of Hoy - a spectacular stack standing just off the high sandstone cliffs of the west coast of the island of Hoy, the most southerly and mountainous of the Orkney islands. We found our hostel and then hit the Stromness Hotel; first the Flattie bar downstairs for beers and then upstairs to the whisky bar for a couple of generous measures of local single malts to toast a successful trip, and all those who came along with us in person or in spirit.

1 comment:

Rob Ainsley said...

Cheers! Don't suppose that bloke behind the bar from Grimsby was still there?

Did you get the Scrabble board out?

The perfect place to toast your achievement!