Monday, June 23, 2008

Bawming the thorn

We passed this ancient thorn tree in Apleton near Warrington. It is said to be an offshoot from the famous Glastonbury thorn tree. This one is listed as one of 50 great historic British trees and it is "Bawmed" or covered in ribbons every June. It has stood here since the 12th century!


Flipper said...

Wow.. an 800 year old tree... next to Simon whose rugged, "well used" looks just make him look 800 years old when in fact he is just 48! ;-)

paul.wedgwood said...

Is it my fading eyesight, or has Mark had a sex-change since yesterday? He looks very different in this picture (he's even changed his shirt from the usual blue one to a yellow one).
I suspect the use of performance-enhancing steriods earlier in the trip may be having dramatic side-effects!

Tessa said...

Hi Simon and everyone - well done for your brilliant progress!We're following your journey when David isn't breathing down our necks with spy cameras! I spent my 60th birthday week off with a few days with my Mother and daughter Taraneh in south Devon, (sunny) then 1 night in Withington (not far from Winchcombe, I've a cycle mad friend there, sorry about your grumpy shop bloke!!) then 3 days climbing on the Lanberis slate (still sunny!!)What a perfect way to be 60! Keep on pedalling - I envy you the west coast of Scotland! All the best - Tessa.

Rob Ainsley said...

Excellent. Have never seen the Anderton Boat Lift - did you manage to cadge a lift with your bikes on a boat so you could say you'd cycled it?

Keep those entries coming! Gives me something to do while pretending to work...