Wednesday, June 25, 2008


As I type I'm waiting for a train at Penrith Railway Station. Severe knee pain has forced me to take a rest for a couple of days so I'm heading home now and hope to get a train to either Fort William or Oban to catch up with the crew in a couple of days time. It's been a tough decision but at least this way I stand a chance of catching up and completing the official mileage for LEJOG but not our extended route across Aran and the Isle of Mull.

More later.



paul.wedgwood said...

Simon, that's a real shame - my heart goes out to you, it must be really, really disappointing. (And I fear for the rest of the team without your esoteric route planning magic to guide them!).
Rest up, get well very soon - and we'll keep everything crossed that you are fit enough to get back in the saddle in a couple of days time.

Rob Ainsley said...

Oh no! That's such a bummer. Bad luck. Only encouraging thing is that knees (unlike backs) can often go from excruciating to nil in a day or two. Hope it's that way with you.